

来源:芝加哥中山同乡会   时间:2011年05月09日


联系人:叶伟才 312-225-2828     何达权: 312-560-5706

公司名称 岗位类别 数量 专业或工种要求 学历或技术水平要求 能力和业绩要求
中山大洋电机股份有限公司 研发技术类 10 电机驱动器结构及工艺工程师 1、机械设计及制造、机械工程、电气自动化等工学专业全日制硕士及以上学历。 1、熟悉大功率电器加工装配工艺,熟悉各项国标标准要求,熟悉大功率电器试验测试方法流程,具有相关电器试验测试工程经验。
2、五年及以上同岗位工作经验。 2、有车载大功率电子电器设计及应用经验者优先;有产品密封及防护(IP等级)设计经验者优先考虑。
3、具有汽车或工业变频器、伺服器、逆变器、电机驱动器,高压变频器、变流器等相关产品的机械结构与电气工艺设计经验;独立完成过电机驱动器项目机械结构设计或者电气工艺设计;有相关高压或大功率电器工艺资质证明者优先。 3、能够熟练阅读英文技术文档与资料。
研发技术类 5 变频器硬件工程师 1、电机与电器、自动化、电力电子、电子工程等专业全日制本科及以上学历。 能够独立胜任车用电机控制系统硬件电路开发和电机控制器结构设计工作。
研发技术类 5 电机控制软件工程师 1、电机与电器、自动化、电力电子、电子工程等专业全日制本科及以上学历。 能够胜任:1、车用电机控制软件开发。
2、具有较强的沟通能力、团队合作能力以及人际关系能力,具有服务精神与灵活性。 2、车载电机CAN通讯软件开发。
3、有电机控制软件编程及测试开发经验优先。 3、电机调试界面软件开发。
4、 电机测试平台控制软件开发与测试等工作。
中山奕安泰医药科技有限公司 高级研发人员 4 有机金属化学 博士 有一定科研成果,SCI期刊发表论文3篇以上
高级管理人员 1 企业工商管理 硕士 大中型企业中层管理经验2年以上
中山市松德包装机械股份有限公司 销售 多名 国际贸易  本科以上学历,英语六级以上 按公司要求独立完成工作
电气工程师 多名 电气自动化 本科以上学历,工程师以上职称 按公司要求独立完成工作
广东通宇通讯股份有限公司 高级研发工程师 4 电磁场与微波技术 硕士、博士 有基站天线、射频器件丰富研发经验
高级结构工程师 2 机械设计制造与自动化 硕士、博士 对产品结构设计有丰富经验
高级工艺工程师 2 材料化学、机电一体化 硕士、博士 对生产工艺有丰富经验
国际市场开拓人员 1 国际贸易 硕士、博士 熟悉欧美国际贸易规则
中山大桥化工集团有限公司 水性涂料技术应用专家 3 熟悉水性涂料汽车OEM涂料和汽车修补漆,专业为高分子系或涂料专业毕业 研究生以上学历,或在国外大型涂料公司技术开发岗位3年以上 具有独立项目开发能力,能够解决水性涂料的配方和制造出现的问题
紫外光固化涂料技术应用专家 2 熟悉紫外光固化的机理和应用,专业为高分子专业或化工专业 研究生以上学历,技术水平为高级工程师 能够解决紫外光固化的耐候性问题,并能解决UV涂料的深层固化问题,能够独立进行配方开发。
水性树脂研发技术专家 2 高分子专业,或从事树脂合成专业 研究生以上学历,或资深树脂开发工程师 能够进行环保无毒性汽车树脂的开发,解决汽车面漆水性树脂的合成问题。
助剂技术研发专家 2 可控聚合树脂合成专家或精细化工专业 研究生以上学历,或涂料助剂开发工程师 能够从理论和实践上,对聚合物分子进行设计,对助剂有三年以上的开发经验。
电子科技大学中山学院 电子工程系教师 2 通信与信息系统 硕士以上 本硕均为相关专业
计算机工程系教师 3 计算机软件 博士、副教授以上职称或高级工程师 有游戏软件开发经验
计算机工程系教师 1 计算机、电子或自动化(嵌入式方向) 博士、副教授以上职称或高级工程师 具有丰富的嵌入式软硬软开发经验,精通WindousCE、Linux平台软件开发,具有一定的信息终端(手机、PDA、PMP)软件开发经验。
机电工程系教师 3 模具、数控、机电一体化、电力电子、工业设计 博士 本科毕业于机械设计制造及自动化、模具方向者优先。
经济与管理系教师 2 会计 博士或副教授以上职称  
1 国际贸易 博士或副教授以上职称  
2 人力资源 博士或副教授以上职称  
1 金融或财务 博士或副教授以上职称 双语教学
人文社科系教师 3 行政管理或公共事务管理 硕士以上或副教授以上  
中山市康和化工有限公司 技术类 3 化工类专业 硕士以上学历 具有以下项目研究经验之一的:
1、  耐腐蚀包装复合胶粘剂;
2、  耐高温蒸煮复合胶粘剂;
3、  可降解凹版印刷油墨及树脂;
4、  水性柔版印刷油墨及树脂;
5、  UV印刷油墨及树脂;
6、  无水胶印油墨;
管理类 1 企业管理、经济管理、人力资源管理等 硕士以上 1、对新制度管理学有相当研究或了解;
1、  具有管理学、心理学、人力资源管理学、经济学等知识;
2、  熟悉现代企业管理模式,具有大型公司人力资源管理经验1年以上,具备人力资源岗位分析、招聘、薪酬、绩效考核、培训等相关专业知识;
3、  具有较强的语言表达能力、人际交往能力;
销售类 1 国际经济与贸易、市场营销等 硕士以上 1、具有美洲、欧洲等地的印刷包装公司的人脉资源(客户资源);具有整合资源建立全面的销售战略的能力;
广东明阳风电产业集团有限公司 总工程师 1 风电行业 30-55岁,本科以上,机电专业, 大型风机8年以上设计及制造经验,有3年以上总工程师经历,并在总工程师经历中有作为。
副总工程师 3 风电行业 30-55岁,本科以上,机电专业,大型风机8年以上设计及制造经验, 有3年以上副总工程师经历,并在总工程师经历中有作为。
EPC项目总工程师 2 大中型机械装备制造业 32-45岁,机械类、电气类或项目管理专业本科以上学历, 2年以上EPC项目技术全盘操作经验。
EPC项目总经理 5 大中型机械装备制造业 32-45岁,机械类、电气类或项目管理专业本科以上学历, 5年以上企业管理经验,2年以上EPC项目管理经验。
BOT项目总工程师 4 BOT产业 40-50岁,本科以上学历, 负责公司BOT项目可行性方案起草、项目谈判、分包商的选择、考察论证及合作模式的设计等;需适合全国各地出差,熟悉新商业模式的运作,具备良好的政府关系资源,已拥有BOT项目者优先录取
BOT总经理 5 金融行业/BOT行业 40-50岁,本科以上学历,负责公司BOT项目的投资引进、经营测算、运营论证和BOT项目投资发展战略的设计与规划、融资跟踪与运营管理指导等工作。 熟悉新商业模式的运作,具备良好的政府关系资源,已拥有BOT项目者优先录取。
发电机首席工程师 3 大中型发电机制造业
30-55岁,本科以上,机电专业,发电机制造业5年以上设计及制造经验。 有风机行业从业经验者优先,能够阅读与翻译英文技术资料,独立进行外语技术交流。
齿轮箱首席工程师 4 大中型高速齿轮箱造业
30-55岁,本科以上,机械专业, 大型高速齿轮箱制造业设计及制造8年以上工作经验,能够阅读与翻译英文技术资料,独立进行外语技术交流
载荷计算首席工程师 3 大型装备制造业
30-55岁,本科以上,工程力学专业, 大型装备制造业8年以上设计经验,能够阅读与翻译英文技术资料,独立进行外语技术交流。
整机控制首席工程师 4 风电行业 自动控制理论、电气工程、电气传动、机电一体化专业,本科或以上学历, 具有10年以上的大型机械设备行业控制系统研究工作背景,并在风机行业有2年以上副总工程师岗位经验者的优先;
整机设计首席工程师 5 大中型发电机制造业
30-50岁,机电专业本科以上学历; 熟悉控制系统设计,能够实施控制系统的设计过程与优化方案;以及控制系统进行系统优化与故障的分析;进行控制参数调整,提高风机运行质量。能够阅读与翻译英文技术资料,独立进行外语技术交流。
海上风机吊装首席工程师 5 风电行业 机械工程、工程力学专业,本科以上学历; 熟悉风机工程规程以及吊装安全管理或者熟悉海上大型机械设备吊装管理;具有10年以上的大型机械设备现场工程工作背景,并在风机行业有2年以上工程副总工程师岗位经验者的优先;或者具有多年海上机械工程吊装经验者优先。能够阅读与翻译英文技术资料,独立进行外语技术交流。
广东明阳风电产业集团有限公司 电控系统首席工程师 10 风电行业  电气系统及其自动化、机电一体化、电力电子传动、电子、通信、计算机、软件或相关专业,本科或以上学历;  精通ST语言,熟悉使用PLC开发平台和运用,以及对风机电控软件优化及故障进行分析,提高风机运行质量; 电气系统及其自动化、机电一体化、电力电子传动、电子、通信、计算机、软件或相关专业,本科或以上学历; 熟悉电力系统电力规程、通信规约,具有一定的系统仿真能力,熟悉主流仿真软件Matlab,PSIM,Labview,等; 能够阅读与翻译英文技术资料,独立进行外语技术交流。
整机质量控制首席工程师 1 风电行业 机械自动化、机械或者电气自动化专业,本科以上学历 ;熟悉风机机械电气工艺编制和工艺标准,能独立解决风电机组生产制造过程中控制点质量问题以及整机质量问题判断分析;具有10年以上的大型机械设备研究开发工作背景,并在风机行业有2年以上质量副总工程师岗位经验者的优先;能够阅读与翻译英文技术资料,独立进行外语技术交流。
风资源分析工程师 2 风电行业 28-35岁,流体力学、空气动力学等相关专业本科以上学历 ; 2年以上相关工作经验;具有风资源评估、微观选址等相关工作经验者优先
风场运营总经理 5 风电行业 35-45岁理工类或相关专业本科以上学历,10年以上相关行业运营管理工作经验。 熟悉风场的战略规划与日常营运工作的管理,建立规范、高效的运营管理体系并优化完善。具有很强的执行力与优秀的沟通和谈判能力,能承受较大的工作压力。
技术总监 1 风电行业 30-55岁,本科以上,机电专业 ,大型风机5年以上设计及制造经验,有2年以上副总工程师或者技术总监从业经历,并有所作为。
国内销售总监 1 机械及电子行业(台湾、日本、韩国企业工作经验) 理工类或相关专业本科以上学历;有战略管理、生产管理、市场营销、财务管理等方面的知识及经验 5年以上相关行业生产管理协调经验,在部门经理岗位上工作3年以上。熟悉所在行业的生产过程,熟悉原材料的供应渠道;良好的英文基础。 优秀的领导能力、判断与决策能力、计划与执行能力、沟通能力、谈判能力;能承受较大的工作压力;有较好的团队合作精神。
质量总监 3 大型装备制造业
机械、机电、电子、电气和管理类专业本科以上学历 7年以上质量管理工作经验,其中3年相应岗位管理经验。有丰富的质量管理经验,熟悉ISO9001、ISO/TS16949、ISO14001标准要求和客户验厂流程;具有较强的语言表达能力和跨部门工作沟通、协调能力;
财务副总监 4 大中型机械装备制造业/上市企业 30-45岁,财务管理专业本科以上学历;8年以上财务管理工作经验 有海外上市企业财务内控运作经验,2年以上同岗位工作经验。
投资经理 2 金融行业 28-45岁,本科以上,财务/证券/金融/MBA等专业 投行3年以上经验,有实际投资项目操作经验。
行业分析师 2 金融行业 28-45岁,本科以上,营销/证券/金融/工商管理等专业 行业分析师2年以上经验。
投资者关系管理 2 金融行业 28-45岁,本科以上,财务/证券/金融/MBA等专业 金融行业3年以上经验。英语8级以上。

Requirement Collection
List of Talent Introduction and Recruitment
from Abroad for Zhongshan Key Enterprises in 2011




Specialty or Profession

Level of Education or Technology

Abilities and Achievement


Zhongshan Broad-Ocean Motor Co., Ltd.


Technical Development


Engineer of structure and technology of driving dedeputys of electric motor

1.        Master (or above) of Full-time Engineering Specialty of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Electric Automation, etc.

2.        Five-year (or above) working experience in the said trade;

3.        Possessing experience in design of mechanical structure and electric technology of frequency inverter, servo appliances, inverter, electric motor driving dedeputy, high-voltage frequency inverter, current inverter, and relevant products used in automobile or industry; independent processing of design of mechanical structure or electric technology in electric driving dedeputy project; the person with the engineering intelligence certificate of relevant high-voltage or super-power electric appliances shall be in priority position.

4.        Having an intimate knowledge of, at least one of the mechanical design CAD software of SolidWorks, UG, Pro/E, Catia, AutoCAD, competent at independent design of mechanical and electric structures, making engineering drawings of mechanical manufacturing, with the coordination experience of precision mechanical manufacturing.

1.        Having an intimate knowledge of high-power appliances processing and assembling, the national standards, the test and measurement methods for high-power appliances, having the experience of the same.

2.        Person with the design and application experience of super-power electric appliances in automobile, and person with design experience of product  sealing and protection (IP degree) shall be in priority position.

3.        Having the ability of reading technical information and files in English.

Technical Development


Engineer of frequency inverter hardware

1.        Undergraduate (or above) of Full-time Engineering Specialty of electric motor and appliances, automation, electricity and electronics, electronic engineering, etc.

2.        Five-year (or above) working experience in the said trade;

3.        Having the good abilities of communication with people, team cooperation, serdeputy and flexibility.

4.        Possessing relevant hardware development experience of electric motor control.

Competent at independent development of hardware circuit for automobile electric motor control system, and design of controller structure of the said motor

Technical Development


Engineer of electric motor control software

1.        Undergraduate (or above) of Full-time Engineering Specialty of electric motor and appliances, automation, electricity and electronics, electronic engineering.

2.        possessing the high abilities of communication with people, team cooperation, serdeputy and flexibility.

3.        The person with the experience of programming, test and development of electric motor control software shall be in priority position.

Competent at development of

1.        automobile electrical motor control software

2.       automobile electric motor CAN communication software

3.       electric motor debug interface software

4.       control software development and test for electric motor test platform


Zhongshan Enantiotech Medicine Co., Ltd.

Personnel for high-level development


Organic metal chemistry


Possessing certain scientific achievement, more than 3 thesises published in SCI journal

Personnel for high-level management


Industrial and commercial management in enterprise


Possessing experience in middle-level management post in the large and medium-sized enterprise for 2 years or more


Zhongshan Sotech Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd.



International trade

Undergraduate (or above), English level: 6 or above

Completing work individually according to requirement of company

Electric engineer


Electric automation

Undergraduate (or above), engineer or above

Completing work individually according to requirement of company






Specialty or Profession

Level of Education or Technology

Abilities and Achievement


Guangdong Tongyu Communication Inc.

Senior engineer for development


Electromagnetic field and microwave technology

Master, doctor

Possessing rich development experience of antenna with base station, and radio-frequency dedeputys

Senior engineer for structure


Mechanical design, manufacturing and automation

Master, doctor

Possessing rich design experience of product structure

Senior engineer for processing


Material chemistry, electromechanical integration

Master, doctor

Possessing rich experience of production process

Personnel for World marketing


International trade

Master, doctor

Having an intimate knowledge of international trade regulations and laws in USA and Europe


Zhongshan Daoqum Chemical Group

Expert in Technical application of Water paint


Having an intimate knowledge of water paint, automobile OEM coatings and patching paint, with specialty of high polymer chemistry, or coatings

Postgraduate (or above), or working at position of technical development in large foreign enterprise for 3 years

Possessing independent ability of project development, dealing with problems in formula and production of water paint


Expert in Technical application of ultraviolet photocurable coatings


Having an intimate knowledge of ultraviolet photocurable principle and application, with specialty of high molecular chemistry, or chemical industry

Postgraduate (or above), senior engineer

Possessing ability of dealing with problems of resistance to weathering of ultraviolet photocurable coatings, of deep cure of UV coatings, and independent ability of formula development

Expert in Technical development of water resin


with specialty of high molecular chemistry, or resin synthesis

Postgraduate (or above), or engineer with development experience of resin

Possessing ability of developing automobile non-toxic resin, and solving problem of water resin synthesis for automobile finishing coats

Expert in Technical development of accessory ingredients


Expert of controllable polymerized resin synthesis, or with specialty of fine chemicals industry

Postgraduate (or above), or engineer in technical development of accessory ingredients

Possessing experience of accessory ingredients development for more than 3 years, and design ability of polymer molecular in theory and practice


University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,

Zhongshan Institute

Teacher of Electronic Engineering Department


Communication and information system

Master (or above)

With relative specialty

Teacher of Computer Engineering Department


Computer software

Doctor, associate professor (or above), or senior engineer

Possessing development experience of game software

Teacher of Computer Engineering Department


Computer, electronics or automation (direction of flush type)

Doctor, associate professor (or above), or senior engineer

Possessing rich development experience of hardware and software in flush type, having an intimate knowledge of software development of WindousCE, Linux platform, and certain software development experience of intelligence terminals (handset, PDA, PMP)

Teacher of Electromechanical Engineering Department


Mould, numerical control, electromechanical integration, electricity and electronics, industrial design


Undergraduate, person with specialty of mechanical design and manufacturing, automation and mould shall be in priority position.

Teacher of Economy and Management Department



Doctor, or associate professor (or above)



International trade

Doctor, or associate professor (or above)



Human resource

Doctor, or associate professor (or above)



Finance or financial affairs

Doctor, or associate professor (or above)

Bilingual education

Teacher of Humanities and Social Science Department


Administrative management or public affairs management

Maser, associate professor (or above)








Specialty or Profession

Level of Education or Technology

Abilities and Achievement


Zhongshan KINGHO Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.



Specialty of chemical industry

Master (or above)

Possessing one of research experiences of following items:

1. composite bond for packing of environmental protection type;

2. composite bond for packing of corrosion resistance type;

3. composite bond with high temperature resistance in digesting conditions

4. degradable intaglio ink and resin

5. water ink and resin for soft printing plate

6. printing ink and resin for UV

7. anhydrous lithographic ink

8. technology of LED cold-setting lithographic ink



Enterprise management

Economy management

Human resource management, etc.

Master (or above)

1. possessing fair research knowledge or understanding of new system management;

2. possessing knowledge of management, psychology, human resource management, economy, etc.

3. Having an intimate knowledge of modern enterprise management mode, with human resource management experience in large enterprise for more than 1 year, having special knowledge of human resource position analysis, employment, salary, efficiency examination, training, etc.

4. possessing fair abilities of oral expression and communication with people

5. keeping good relationship with people, respecting work with sense of responsibility,



International economy and trade

Marketing, etc.

Master (or above)

1. possessing clients resource of printing and packaging companies in USA and Europe; and ability of integrating resource and establishing overall marketing strategy;

2. possessing marketing intelligence with unique mentality and methods in marketing;

3. possessing fair ability of negotiation;

4. possessing abilities of collecting latest sale information, providing strategy basis of business development to company, and establishing good cooperation relationship with clients;

5. possessing abilities of controlling directions and schedules of marketing; and abilities of administration of salesmen, and establishment, addition and training of the team for marketing.






Specialty or Profession

Level of Education or Technology

Abilities and Achievement



Guangdong Mingyang Electric Group

Co., Ltd

Chief Engineer


Industry of wind power generation

30-55 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of electromechanics

Possessing design and manufacturing experience of large wind-power generator for 8 years, experience of chief engineer for 3 years, with great achievement in the position of chief engineer

Deputy Chief Engineer


Industry of wind power generation

30-55 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of electromechanics, with design and manufacturing experience of large wind-power generator for 8 years

Possessing experience of deputy chief engineer for 3 years, with great achievement in the position of chief engineer

Chief Engineer of EPC Project


Manufacturing industry of large and medium-sized mechanized equipment

32-45 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of mechanics, electricity, or project management

Possessing overall operation experience of EPC project technology for 2 or more years

General Manager of EPC Project


Manufacturing industry of large and medium-sized mechanized equipment

32-45 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of mechanics, electricity, or project management

Possessing enterprise management experience for 5 or more years, EPC project management experience for 2 or more years

Chief Engineer of BOT Project


BOT industry

40-50 year of age, undergraduate (or above)

Responsible for drafting BOT project feasibility report of company, and negotiation, selecting subcontractors, examination and demonstration, cooperation mode design, etc.; able to travel for company’s business all over China, having fair knowledge of new business mode, having good relationship resource with government, the person possessing POT project shall be in priority position.

General Manager of BOT


Finance corporation / BOT industry

40-50 year of age, undergraduate (or above), responsible for investment and introduction, business estimation, operation demonstration of BOT project, and strategy design and schedule of investment and development, financial tracking, operation management and supervision of BOT project

Having fair knowledge of new business mode, having good relationship resource with government, the person possessing POT project shall be in priority position.

Principal engineer of electric generator


Manufacturing industry of large and medium-sized power generator / Industry of wind power generation

30-55 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of electromechanics, possessing design and manufacturing experience of power generator for 5 years

The person with experience in wind-power generator industry shall be in priority position; possessing abilities of reading and translating English technical information, and communicating the same individually in foreign language.

Principal engineer of gear box


Manufacturing industry of large and medium-sized high-speed gearbox / Industry of wind power generation

30-55 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of mechanics

Possessing design and manufacturing experience in large high-speed gearbox manufacturing industry for 8 years, possessing abilities of reading and translating English technical information, and communicating the same individually in foreign language.

Principal engineer of load calculation


Manufacturing industry of large mechanized equipment / Industry of wind power generation

30-55 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of engineering mechanics

Possessing design experience in manufacturing industry of large mechanized equipment for 8 years, possessing abilities of reading and translating English technical information, and communicating the same individually in foreign language.

Principal engineer of overall unit control


Industry of wind power generation

Undergraduate (or above), with specialty of automatic control theory, electric engineering, electric driving, electromechanical integration

Possessing background of control system research in large mechanical equipment industry for 10 years; person with experience in position of Deputy Chief Engineer of wind-power generator industry for 2 years shall be in priority position.

Principal engineer of overall unit design


Manufacturing industry of large and medium-sized power generator / Industry of wind power generation

30-50 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of electromechanics

Having fair knowledge of control system design, able to execute design procedure and optimum scheme of control system, to optimize the said system and analyze troubles of the same, to adjust control parameter, optimize operation quality of wind-power generator; possessing abilities of reading and translating English technical information, and communicating the same individually in foreign language.

Principal engineer of hoisting and assembling wind-driven generator at the sea site


Industry of wind power generation

undergraduate (or above), with specialty of mechanical engineering, engineering mechanics

Having fair knowledge of project regulations and safety management of hoisting and assembling of wind-power generator, or the management of hoisting and assembling of large mechanical equipment at sea site; possessing background of large mechanical equipment project at site for 10 years; person with project experience in position of Deputy Chief Engineer of wind-power generator industry for 2 years, or with experience of hoisting and assembling of mechanical project at sea site for many years shall be in priority position; possessing abilities of reading and translating English technical information, and communicating the same individually in foreign language.





Specialty or Profession

Level of Education or Technology

Abilities and Achievement



Guangdong Mingyang Electric Group

Co., Ltd.

Principal engineer of electric control system


Industry of wind power generation

Undergraduate (or above), with specialty of electric system and automation of the same, electromechanical integration, electricity and electronic driving, electronics, communication, computer, software or relevant specialty

Having an intimate knowledge of ST language, knowing well use of PLC development platform, optimizing electrical control software of wind-power generator, analyzing trouble for improving operation quality of the same; undergraduate (or above), with specialty of electric system and automation of the same, electromechanical integration, electricity and electronic driving, electronics, communication, computer, software and relevant specialty; knowing well the electricity regulations, communication stipulation of electricity system, possessing certain ability of system simulation; knowing well the main simulation software: Matlab, PSIM, Labview, etc.; possessing abilities of reading and translating English technical information, and communicating the same individually in foreign language.

Principal engineer of overall unit quality control


Industry of wind power generation

undergraduate (or above), with specialty of mechanical automation, mechanics, or electric automation

knowing well the electrical and mechanical formation and standard of technology of wind-power generator, possessing ability of solving quality problems at control points in the manufacturing procedure of the same, analyzing and judging quality problem of overall unit; person possessing background of research and development of large mechanical equipment for 10 years, and experience of quality control of wind-power generator industry in position of Deputy Chief Engineer for 2 years shall be in priority position; possessing abilities of reading and translating English technical information, and communicating the same individually in foreign language.

Engineer of wind resource analysis


Industry of wind power generation

28-35 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, etc.

Possessing experience of relevant work for 2 years, person possessing experience of wind resource estimation and site selection shall be in priority position.

General manager of operation at wind site


Industry of wind power generation

35-45 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of science and engineering, or relevant specialty, possessing experience of operation and administration in the said trade for 10 years

knowing well the strategy planning, administration of daily operation at wind site, establishing standard and efficient operation system for the same, and making it perfect; possessing excellent ability of execution, communication and negotiation, capable to bear more pressure in the work.

Inspector general of technology


Industry of wind power generation

30-55 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of electromechanics

possessing design and manufacturing experience of large wind-power generator for 5 years, and experience of deputy chief engineer or inspector general of technology for 2 years, with certain achievement in the said position

Inspector general of China marketing


Mechanical and electronics industry (possessing work experience in enterprises of Taiwan, Japan, South Korea)

undergraduate (or above), with specialty of science and engineering, or relevant specialty, possessing knowledge and experience of strategy administration, production management, marketing, financial affairs administration, etc.

possessing experience of production administration and coordination in relevant industry for 5 years, working in position of department manager for 3 years, knowing well production procedure, supply of raw and processed materials, having good base of English, possessing excellent abilities of leadership, judgement, decision, planning, execution, communication and negotiation; capable to bear more pressure in the work, possessing good ability of team cooperation

Inspector general of quality


Manufacturing industry of large mechanized equipment /Industry of wind power generation

undergraduate (or above), with specialty of mechanics, electromechanics, electronics, electricity, and administration

possessing experience of quality administration for 7 years, including management experience in relevant position for 3 years, and rich experience of quality administration, knowing well ISO9001, ISO/TS16949, ISO14001 standard and client acceptance test procedure; possessing good abilities of oral expression, communication and coordination with other departments

Deputy inspector of finance


Manufacturing industry of large and medium-sized mechanized equipment / listed enterprise

30-45 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of finance administration, possessing experience of finance administration for 8 years

possessing experience of internal financial control for listed enterprise abroad, experience in the said position for 2 years

Manager of investment


Financial trade

28-45 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of financial affairs / securities / finance / MBA, etc.

possessing experience in investment banks for 3 years with actual operation experience of investment program

Industrial analyzer


Financial trade

28-45 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of marketing / securities / finance / industrial and commercial administration, etc.

possessing experience of trade analyzer for 2 years

Relationship administration of investors


Financial trade

28-45 year of age, undergraduate (or above), with specialty of financial affairs / securities / finance / MBA, etc.

possessing experience of financial trade for 3 years, English level: 8, or above