伊利諾州最高法院27日下午一致裁決,卸下白宮幕僚長一職、準備競選芝加哥市長的艾曼紐(Rahm Emanuel),可繼續參加市長選舉。
市長選舉將於2月22日舉行,但選票馬上就要印,而且本月31日競選開始。伊州最高院在最後關頭的有利裁定,有如讓艾曼紐的政治生涯起死回生。整個爭議過程中,艾曼紐自信滿滿,一直有把握將獲准參選,他照常進行競選活動,似乎沒有任何危機發生。法院的裁決肯定使艾曼紐的其他競爭對手失望,尤其是前市長的幕僚 長契柯(Gery Chico)和前任聯邦參議員卡洛‧莫斯利布隆(Carol Moseley Braun)。如果艾曼紐退選,將使莫斯利布隆獲益巨大。
早在艾曼紐當選芝加哥的國會眾議員後,他準備要做兩個職務,一是眾 院議長,或是故鄉芝加哥市市長。當歐巴馬請他退出眾議員一職,擔任白宮幕僚長後,艾曼紐想當芝加哥市長之心,路人皆知。自長期任芝加哥市長的戴利去年9月 宣布將退休後,艾曼紐立即表明參選。各方都視艾曼紐市長職位的不二之選。在六個參選人當中,他的民調和募款始終都大幅領先。
伊州最高法院判决Emanuel 有资格竞选市长。美联社认为,这反而会壮大Emanuel 的声势。
CHICAGO – Illinois’ highest court put Rahm Emanuel back in the race for Chicago mayor Thursday, three days after a lower court threw the former White House chief of staff off the ballot because he had not lived in the city for a full year.
The state Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Emanuel’s favor, with a majority of justices concluding that the earlier decision was "without any foundation" in the law because it said a candidate must be physically present in Chicago.
"As I said from the beginning, I think the voters deserve the right to make the choice of who should be mayor," Emanuel said shortly after getting word of the high court’s action. "I’m relieved for the city. I’m relieved for the voters because they need the certainty that’s important for them."
Emanuel lived for nearly two years in Washington working for President Barack Obama. He moved back to Chicago in October, after Mayor Richard M. Daley announced he would not seek another term, and soon became the heavy favorite to lead the nation’s third-largest city. He has also raised more money than any other candidate.
After learning of Thursday’s decision, Emanuel said he took a congratulatory call from his old boss, the president.
Political observers said the ruling resurrecting Emanuel’s candidacy would probably give him added momentum heading into the last month of the campaign.
Don Rose, a longtime analyst of Chicago politics, said the saga would bring Emanuel "even greater sympathy" and could lift him to victory.