Happy Chinese New Year: The Glamour of Shaanxi
Shanxi is one of the most important origin-places of Chinese nation and Chinese culture; with its centuries-honored history and splendid culture, its capital city Xi’an was the once ancient capital of China for 14 dynasties for more than 1,100 years. Xi’an was also the starting point of the ancient Silk Road and an important town along the Eurasian Continental Bridge; this city also enjoys the reputation as one of the world-famous historical and cultural cities in the world. Shaanxi province has long history with profound historical accumulation, the weather-beaten industrious wisdom and folk customs along with modern advanced scientific and technological education, just enriched and diversified local cultural resources, and established the unique charisma of Shaanxi culture. In order to present the colorful and splendid Shaanxi culture and introduce the excellent Chinese traditional culture to the world, in the gala there will be featured folk songs, folk music and characteristic dances for all to see and experience.
The Pond in Moon Palace – Musical Dance of Tang Dynasty.
Introduction: it is told by the legend that the Tang Emperor has dreamed himself wandered to the pond in Moon Palace, seeing fairies dancing in scarlet dresses and waving long sleeves, with the beautiful melody sang by phoenix, seeing these, the emperor felt like he was walking over the rainbow-bridge; when he woke up, he composed this musical dance and danced with his mistresses. People say this dance has crossed space and time from the Moon palace came down to the earth and passed through generations till now.
Dance of Silk and Falling flowers–Play Guzheng and singing
节目介绍:因为丝绸,因为瓷器,因为文明的传播,因为文化的交流,这里曾经一度繁华。历史的变迁,让这里历经沧桑,风过了,又有夕阳,夕阳之后,还有沙尘,繁华也罢,寂寞也罢,不过是过眼云烟。 所有的一切都在风中,沙中消失殆尽,唯有那苍凉的曲调,还时常在空中飘荡,引起过往的人的注意。一曲悲凉的、悠远的、安心的、愉快的、激扬的曲子,在空气中激荡,随风飘远,千年不曾改变。有请青年古筝演奏家宁娇阳为大家带来古筝独奏《丝绸之舞》
Introduction: Thanks to silk, porcelain, thanks to the spread of civilization and cultural exchanges, this place was once prosperous. The change of history has made this place through twists and turns of life; with the wind passed, after the sunset, dust comes and goes, prosperity comes, and loneliness goes; everything on the thousand year’s Silk Road is a passing sight.Please welcome the young Guzheng player Ning Qiaoyang for her Guzheng solo “Dance of silk”.
三.碗碗腔《三月桃花》秦腔 《宇宙锋》
Wanwanqiang Opera “Peach blossoms in March” and Qinqiang Opera “cosmic Front”
Performer :Gao Yaling
Introduction:Gao Yaling ,she was born in Shaanxi province ,China. In 2006, she was the Northwest five provincial champion of ” Voice of Qin” theatregoer challenge of Shaanxi radio and television and won the first prize of the Chinese film Birthday Centennial Drama Contest.At the same year ,she was invited to perform “White Deer Original”,the large drama performance in the Beijing People’s Art theatre. Her personal Qinqiang Opera concert was held in Beijing in 2007. She won the Seventh Festival Outstanding Performance Award in Shaanxi Province in 2014, and she participated in the sixth Drama Olympic award for Outstanding Performance. Next, please welcome Gao Yaling for her performance “Peach Blossoms in March” and “cosmic Front”.
- 四. 古韵诗画乐舞《窈窕淑女》
Fair Lady – Ancient Poem Musical Dance
节目介绍:汉唐乐舞《窈窕淑女》取材于中国最早的一部诗歌总集《诗经》中第一篇《关雎》为基本素材。舞蹈情节紧紧围绕“关关雎鸠 ,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑”这一诗情画意场景为线索,在风景优美的江水河畔,一对雎鸠水鸟相互啼鸣唱和;那美丽娴静、善良贤惠的女子是男子日夜想念梦中情人,充分展示中国古代女子想往“自主幸福”和对“美满婚姻”期盼和大胆追求。
Introduction: This Han and Tang Dynasty musical dance “Fair Lady” is based on the first piece of poetry in China, and extracted from the chapter of “Guan Ju” (river birds) from the Book of Poems. This dance piece is closely related to the poetic and artistic scene of Guan Ju the poem: one lady and one gentleman were standing by the beautiful riverbank, listening a pair of river birds sing to each other; the lady is the man’s dreamboat and he thinks of her for days and nights. This dance and poem fully demonstrate the ancient Chinese woman’s independence and bold pursuit for happiness and romance.
The language of Chinese lute and Give me one rose-Chinese Lute Solo
Player: Next please welcome the young performer Zhang Yuanxin ,a graduate student graduated from Shaanxi Normal University, she has won the Western China National Instrumental Music Competition Gold Award, and on behalf of the country to the United States, Thailand for art exchange performances, her performance at home and abroad has been well received. Please applause and welcome the young performer Zhang Yuanxin.
Flying to Heaven — Woman Dance Solo
Introduction: Dunhuang, located in the grand desert in west China, there is a “Mogao Grotto”, where the murals are exquisite, with the weather and sand beaten for thousands years the paintings are still vivid, there are seven-colored rainbow paradise and the goddess scattered flowers dance, flying to heaven.
Jasmine and Oh,Susanna –Instrumental Dute
Two different styles of music “Jasmine” and “Oh, Susanna”. One is a Chinese folk music, has a beautiful melody, elegant and melodious. The other is an American country music, reflecting the beauty of the Western classic women, which is in stark contrast to the Chinese classical female beauty.
Happy Spring Festival, Happy Chinese New Year – Red Silk Dance
Introduction: Spring wind breezes the red silk floating; sparkled trees shining with silver flower, thousands households are celebrating a joy Spring Festival and the year of Pig.
陕西省文化和旅游厅/ Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism
陕西省人民政府外事办公室/ Shaanxi Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government
陕西省对外文化交流促进会 Shaanxi Foreign Cultural Exchange Promotion Association
陕西文一艺术团 Shaanxi Wenyi Art Troupe