原标题“中国病毒”:亚裔美国人谴责特朗普种族主义言论‘Chinese Virus’: Asian Americans Condemn Trump’s Comments as Racist
Quinn Myers | March 23, 2020 7:43 pm
最近几天,唐纳德·特朗普总统将新的冠状病毒称为“中国病毒”,这一举动被许多人谴责为种族主义和仇外心理。 特朗普在星期一的一次新闻发布会上说:“至关重要的是,我们必须完全保护我们在美国和世界各地的亚裔美国人社区。他们是很棒的人,无论以任何形式,方式或样式,病毒的传播都不是他们的错。” 但伊利诺伊州众议员特雷莎·马静仪(Theresa Mah)(芝加哥)表示,她正在听取那些由于特朗普的言论而担心种族主义影响的选民的反应。 马静仪说:“许多人表示担心成为暴力或骚扰的受害者,因为主要是总统将这种疾病称为'中国病毒'。” “我还从选民那里听说,他们成为了刺眼的对象,因为他们在公共场合戴着口罩,尽管他们在离家很近的地方。” 马静仪说,她鼓励任何遭受骚扰的人立即报警。她说,美国全国各地的亚裔社区正在不断努力,以确保举报仇恨犯罪。 “这种事情正在发生。这不是虚构的事情,” 马静仪说。 “它是真实的。”
President Donald Trump in recent days has branded
President Donald Trump in recent days has branded the new coronavirus the “Chinese virus,” a move many have condemned as racist and xenophobic.
Trump addressed that criticism Monday, saying at an afternoon press conference that, “it’s very important that we totally protect our Asian American community in the United States and all around the world. They’re amazing people and the spreading of the virus is not their fault in any way, shape, or form.”
But Illinois state Rep. Theresa Mah (D-Chicago) says she’s hearing from constituents who are afraid of racist repercussions because of Trump’s comments.
“A lot of them are expressing concern about being the victims of violence or harassment because of the way that mainly the president has been calling the disease the ‘Chinese virus,’” Mah said. “I’ve also heard from a constituent that they were the subject of glares because they were wearing a mask and they were out in public. So it is close to home.”
Mah says she encourages anyone who is a victim of harassment to call the police immediately. She says there’s an ongoing effort by Asian American communities across the country to make sure that hate crimes are reported.
“This is happening. It’s not something that’s made up,” Mah said. “It’s real.”