时间: 8月8日 6 PM 地点: 利荣华酒家 (美国华网胡大江摄影)
August 08,2011
Dear Honorable U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael T. Mason,
We, American citizens and lawful permanent residents from China living in the United States, are closely following the case U.S. v. Yang (11 CR 00458). Your wise decision to release Mr. Chunlai Yang on bond was highly appreciated and praised by the Chinese American community.
In our knowledge, Mr. Chunlai Yang is a good husband and father, and he is an honest, decent and key community leader who has long been actively involved in strengthening Sino-U.S. relations and the progress, prosperity, diligence and selfless service of the Asian-American community in the United States.
We sincerely hope that Chunlai Yang receives an open and fair trial, that his legal rights are effectively protected, and that no irrelevant or improper factors interfere with the fair judicial determination of his case.
Very sincerely,
给联邦法院梅森Michael T. Mason法官的信
Augest 08,2011
尊敬的联邦法院梅森Michael T. Mason法官:
我们作为美籍和旅美华人密切关注您正在审理的美国联邦控告杨春来案USA v. Yang Chunlai case并在此信签名。您在裁决予以杨春来保释,让杨春来取保候审的正确英明判决,受到了美国华裔社区民众的高度肯定。
我们殷切希望并坚定地相信,您主持的法庭将严格按照美国法律对杨春来案进行公开公平的审理,能够切实保障杨春来的各种合法权利, 并在不受与此案无关的任何其它因素干扰的前提下作出公正的判决。