文章来源:Time Out 时间:2012年04月18日
【芝加哥侨学网 讯】“晓军美食集团”总裁胡晓军(Tony Hu),最近荣获主流时尚杂志 Time Out (Chicago) 授予的餐饮“终身成就奖” (Lifetime Achievement Award)。图为胡晓军在“老湖南”红色主题餐厅留影。
Lifetime Achievement Award | Eat Out Awards 2012
Knowing that the Lao in Tony Hu’s battalion of Chinatown restaurants—Lao Sze Chuan, Lao Beijing, Lao Shanghai, Lao You Ju and Lao Hunan—translates to old is the first clue to Hu’s success. Tradition has been the bedrock of Hu’s empire since he began building it in 1998, and his ability to bring authentic regional Chinese cuisines to the masses is what earned him the moniker “Mayor of Chinatown.” From the look of the multicultural, multigenerational throngs that flock to Hu’s restaurants nightly, Rahm could glean some tips on how to achieve universal popularity.